Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A final decision

UMass Amherst
Class of 2010
It's official: I'm going to UMass Amherst next year. I sent my deposit in yesterday. Ultimately what made me choose UMass over Simmons was because my good friend Morgan (whom I've been talking about a lot lately in my college-related blogs) will also be going to UMass, and we've decided to be roommates. That's pretty much the one thing that made UMass more appealing than Simmons since they've both been equal in my mind for a while. I'm really, really excited. I really like the fact that I already know some people there, and rooming with a friend will make the whole transition so much easier.

As excited as I am about UMass, I'm still really disappointed that I won't be going to Simmons. Half of me feels like I made a horrible decision, yet the other half is completely satisfied. I keep wondering if the Simmons half of me is right - what if I did make the wrong decision? My mom told me if I feel awful about my choice and I decide that I really want to go to Simmons instead, it is possible to stop the $400 deposit check that was mailed yesterday. I keep toying with the idea of this option in my mind. Simmons has been my first choice since January and UMass was my very last choice until a month ago, so I suppose it's only natural to be feeling this way. It's hard letting Simmons go. But I keep asking myself, what if it's more than that? What if these are gut feelings that are trying to tell me that I should choose Simmons? I really don't know, and it's kind of driving me crazy.

Despite all of that, I did make a choice - I chose UMass, so I'm going to stick with it. I'm not going to stop the check unless something happens to make me decide that I really don't want to go to UMass, and I don't foresee that happening. It's safe to say that UMass is where I will be this fall.

Anyway, I'll be living in Orchard Hill because that's where the Commonwealth College is. Commonwealth College is basically a fancy name for the Honors Program. TJ and his friends all live in Orchard Hill, too, so that's a bonus. I found a quiz online that ironically told me I would fit best in Orchard Hill:

Where on the UMass-Amherst campus should you live?

You should live on ORCHARD HILL. You are smart enough to be in Commonwealth College (a.k.a. the Honors Program for us alums) and you do tend to spend too much time in front of your computer. But when it rains, you're one of the first people on campus to be in the Bowl streaking through the mud. Do I hear a Bowl War coming on?
Take this quiz!
I guess it's meant to be, huh?

Anyway, moving on from college stuff for a bit... I am so sick of this Kline character. I disliked him enough when I blogged about him a while back, but now... ugh. He just completely disgusts me. What is wrong with this man? I want to know what his life was like as a teenager. He was probably the pathetic little kid that couldn't get any, at least that's the only explanation that I can come up with. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Kansas, and I feel sorry for those that do... especially teenagers.

Well it's time for me to get ready for bed and all that. I'd like to get a good night's sleep at least once this week (good luck). Adios.


Blogger TJ Quin said...

you better come to UMass! What a coincidence, it said I was to live in Orchard Hill too, weird, huh?

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats to making your decision!

3:51 PM  

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