Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Blogs are bad for procrastinators

As I type this, I am practicing the one thing that I do best: procrastination. However, it's not just some silly homework assignment that I'm neglecting; it's my application to the Simmons Honors Program. It's a shame, really, since all I have left to do is the 400-500 word essay. I tried to start it last night - really, I did. Well... as long as you would consider opening Word and staring at the blank page for a few minutes before closing it "starting." I really need to get the application in immediately. The "priority deadline" has passed (March 1) so now I absolutely need to get it in by April 1st or they won't accept it. I'm not worried about making that deadline, but I do need to submit it as soon as possible because it's a rolling admissions type thing - first come, first serve. I'm fairly certain that I will be admitted into the program, but I need to send it in soon to make sure. Unfortunately my stubbornness and laziness is preventing me from doing so.

Perhaps I would start if I could actually figure out what to write about. I have chosen which prompt to respond to (the first out of two), but I have yet to decide what exactly my response will be. The essay question is as follows:
The Honors Program encourages students to experience life in another country. If you were to study abroad for a month or a semester, what country would you prefer to visit and what would you hope to learn from your experiences in another culture?
That's a pretty easy prompt, right? Right. Well, it would be if I could actually figure out what I want to say. I am leaning towards writing about how I have the most random desire to learn Italian and, afterwards, visit the country. However, I have also thought about visiting a Spanish speaking country (namely Mexico, Spain even) because I am already somewhat familiar with the language. Either way, I'm not sure if I could write 400-500 words (about two pages of double-spaced Times New Roman) about it. Sure, I could bullshit it, but I have not yet mastered the art of bullshitting so whenever I try, my bullshit turns out quite, well, bullshitty. Not quite up to par for a college honors program. Hmm. What to do...

Well, I could continue procrastinating... yes, sounds like a plan.

This is probably the last blog I ever thought I would be linking, but - surprise! - I actually agree with her latest post. She discusses an amendment that would prohibit the desecration of the US flag. Because she can form arguments much better than I can (minus the anti-"progressive-leftist hippie leftovers" remarks) and because, yes, I am still being lazy, I'm just going to order you all to read that blog. I'm not going to discuss exactly how I feel about the American flag, mainly because I have several staunch conservative friends that read this blog that would surely disown me if they were to read how I truly feel, but I will say that I [obviously] completely disagree with this proposed amendment. I think it is completely useless and frivolous, and just another pathetic attempt at patriotism.

Well, I'm done for the day. I suppose it's time to get started on my essay. Wish me luck.


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