Friday, March 03, 2006

My blog lives up to its URL

After a whole week of blogging every single day, it feels kind of weird to have missed two days in a row. I do have a valid excuse, though: I've had tons of stuff to do this week for school and college junk. Granted, I didn't even end up doing half of the things I had to, but... I'm still using that excuse. I'm still working on my Simmons Honors application. I still have to write the 400-500 word essay - of course I saved the worst part for last. That isn't really a long essay, but it's still going to take some major motivation (the kind that I currently am lacking) to get my ass into gear and start working on it. My original goal for finishing the entire application was today, but seeing as how it's 9:14 pm right now and I haven't even started the essay, I'm thinking I'll have to push it back until next Friday. Isn't it wonderful how procrastination works? Hopefully I will be able to finish it next week, but judging by what my teachers have been planning for us lately, I'm not sure if I'll even have time. I certainly didn't expect my second semester of my senior year to be this way - it's so much more stressful than it should be.

Today sucked. I found out yesterday that The Strokes tickets were to go on sale today at noon. Naturally, I was extremely excited. I would go with my friend Morgan, and we would surely have an awesome time. I planned to rush to the computer lab to buy the tickets as soon as the lunch bell rang (approximately 12:07). I asked my mom if it would be okay (since I would have to use her credit card to buy them online and pay her with cash) and at first she didn't have a problem with it, but then she began asking how I planned to get into Boston. I told her we would take the train, but she explained to me that it would be really complicated and we would have to switch from the train to the subway at some point, and it would take a while to get there. I went online to plan out how to get there and how long it would take and such. Ultimately, it came down to this: it wouldn't be much of a problem getting there because we would have enough time to figure it out, however on the way back it would be a lot more complicated. We weren't sure what time the concert would be over, but we guessed around 11. We would end up having to rush to take the subway in time to make the last outbound train of the night from the train station, and especially since we weren't familiar with the subway it would be a whole lot more difficult for us. Plus, my mom wasn't too keen on having to pick us up at the train station in town at 1:20 in the morning on a school night. So, alas, I won't be able to go to the concert. It really sucks because I was looking forward to this so much. I don't often have the opportunity to get out of the house, and I just really wanted to go somewhere with my friends and have fun. Blah. Oh well. I'm trying not to dwell on it so much.

This Thursday there's a half day so Morgan and I are going into Harvard Square after school. We've been planning this for a while, and I can't wait. This is one of the few opportunities that I get to to go out and have fun. Also it will be cool to see where I will probably be hanging out often while I'm in college in Boston come this fall. We might go to see a movie at Lowes in Landmark Square, depending on how much time we have to spare. I really want to see Brokeback Mountain, Capote, and Transamerica but I don't think they're playing on the date that we're going. Munich is, which I would like to see, though it's nearly three hours long and we definitely don't have enough time for that.

Not only did I not get to blog much this week, but I hardly got to listen to any music, either. Not even the radio. (I did get to listen to my Palm Zire on the bus in the morning, but that doesn't count because I do that every morning) I think the last time I listened to music was on the weekend, maybe Monday. That's pretty awful. Well, I'm trying to make up for it now by listening to my favorite playlists. So far I've gone through The Subways, The Von Bondies, Living Things, and now I'm listening to The Strokes (even though it does kind of make me want to smash things out of frustration from not being able to go to the concert). I doubt I'll get to listen to all of my favorites tonight, which include Wolfmother, Led Zeppelin, Pearl Jam, and The Rinse, but I think this will do for now.

Speaking of The Subways, they're going to be on Letterman tonight, so I think I'm going to go get in the shower and get ready for bed and everything so I don't miss it. I apologize for the completely uninteresting blog (well, just look at my blog URL), but for some reason it seems that my life has become incredibly boring since vacation ending, even though I didn't do anything at all doing vacation.

Anyway, that's all for today. Hopefully I will come up with something more interesting to discuss this weekend. Ciao.

P.S. Gross gross gross!!


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