Monday, February 27, 2006

My lack of sleep and the art of Alfonse Mucha

Today was my first day back to school after vacation last week. I decided to get it off to a great start by sleeping for only 4 1/2 hours last night for no good reason at all. I could've been in bed by midnight, 11:30 even, but for some reason I just didn't do it. When 12:30 rolled around, I decided instead of going to bed I would make my frozen pizza for today's lunch. Since that would take fifteen minutes in the toaster oven, and since I had already shut off the computer, I decided to sit down and watch the last half of the season finale of Celebrity Fit Club 3 (which, I admit, is somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine). This was a bad decision. Fifteen minutes later my pizza was done, but of course I had to watch the end of the show. I made myself a bowl of cereal and, afterwards, two slices of cinnamon toast. I was in bed by 1:15.

I don't think I fell asleep until 1:30 or 1:45 though because, as I have for the past few nights, I was unable to fall asleep right away because I kept thinking about the upcoming track season. It's really making me nervous, mainly because I'm worried I won't be in good enough shape for the start of the season. No, I know I won't be in good enough shape. I keep telling myself that I should go out for a jog or something, but I know myself too well - I'm way too lazy to do that. Plus, it's way too cold out. Yeah, that's my excuse.

Anyway, the moral of the story is (or was, before I got way off track) that I'm exhausted right now and I can't wait to go to sleep. Unfortunately I have to study all 27 amendments because I have to know them for a test by Wednesday, and as of right now I only know, like, six. School hates me.

Well enough rambling on about my lack of sleep and such. The other day I discovered this blog, entitled "70s-child." Aside from the fact that he's one of the religious fanatic types that I can't stand (see how he bashes an innocently hilarious comic strip in his February 26th post), I really enjoyed browsing through all of his archived posts. He posts mainly 70's things (hence the blog title), and even though I wasn't around during that time (though I wish I could have been) I love looking at some of them. He's posted a few Alfonse Mucha posters, who is one of my favorite artists. His work is from the late 19th century, but it experienced a revival during the 60's and 70's. He did a lot of posters, including advertisements for products such as cigarettes, rum, and food. If you look at his posters, I think you can see why - they seem to fit in with that era somehow, even though they're from decades earlier. I've noticed how a lot of his art features elegant, almost goddess-like women with circular designs around their heads. I have a huge print of this one in my bedroom up in Maine:

My mom bought this for me I think at some type of flea market for only a few dollars. I plan on taking it with me to college this fall and putting it up on my dorm room wall. I would love to get some more prints, too, and possibly frame them. I would also love a print from this exhibit of rock posters at the MFA in Boston (I think they're pretty expensive though). It would be really cool to go see that exhibit, and I think my mom and I might be going some time soon. I don't usually enjoy going to art museums (well, depending on what the art is... some of it is interesting), but I have been dragged along with my mom so many times over the years because she's basically really big on art (she's an art teacher, she went to Mass College of Art, and she would paint frequently if she had the time).

Well since I keep getting way off track and because I've been writing this blog for literally three hours (I keep getting distracted) I think it's time for me to just stop typing before I become entirely unintelligible.

But I do have one quick thing to say: I have to clarify my last post, because it seems I got off track and lost the main point. Basically the whole reason why the Kansas law is so absurd is because it states that any sexual activity between minors (those under sixteen) is considered abuse, even if it is consensual. It is ridiculous to consider consensual sex abuse, no matter the age of the participants, which was my main point that seemed to be lost on a few people.

Well, that's all for today. Adios.


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