Friday, March 17, 2006

The general theme for today seems to be music (Part II)

WeezerToday I listened to my entire Weezer playlist. That is, almost all songs from their five albums (I have 49 songs on my computer - I left out a few that I don't like from their first self-titled album). It's about 2 hours and 45 minutes long. I'm not sure exactly what compelled me to listen to them in the first place, since I haven't listened to anything Weezer in quite a while, but I'm glad I did. I forgot how much I love those guys. I'm really bummed that I missed their concert in Boston back in October, which was probably their last ever concert in this area. I would have loved to see Rivers Cuomo. Lately I've just been listening to The Von Bondies, The Subways, Living Things, The Strokes, and a little bit of Pearl Jam, so it was nice to hear something different for once.

Yeah Yeah YeahsRight now I'm listening to the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album "Show Your Bones" on their MySpace. I like their single "Gold Lion" a lot; it's really different. I might actually buy the CD when it comes out, but it depends on if I have enough money (at the moment, I don't) and if there aren't any other CDs that I want more (at the moment, there are). I never liked them until recently; I didn't even like "Maps" much when it came out a few years ago (or was it more recent?). It makes sense that I like them now, though, since I'm really only just getting into indie rock.

The SoundsI also want to buy the new Sounds album, "Dying to Say This to You," which is coming out on the 21st, this Tuesday. So far I've only listened to the songs they have up on their MySpace, and I like all of them, especially "Song With A Mission." The main reason why The Sounds are so unique and appealing is because of the lead singer's voice. They are all from Sweden, so her voice is really interesting... rather difficult to describe. It was the very first thing that I noticed when I first heard their songs, and it's still the one thing that stands out to me the most. There aren't any other singers like her, and I'm sure that's exactly what's been giving the band so much attention.

MorningwoodI was very amused to hear the Morningwood song "Nth Degree" on an American Eagle commercial yesterday. I wonder what their fans think of Morningwood being associated with that type. As for the song, in my personal opinion it's not their best, but it's catchy and pretty much perfect for a single. I can see why it made it into an AE commercial. My favorite song of theirs is "Nu Rock." Anyway, they are coming to Boston on April 14th, and they're opening for The Sounds at Avalon. I would absolutely love to go to that show, but I can't. Why? No, it's not because of the date - it's actually at a perfect time, right at the beginning of graduation. Actually, (to allude to an earlier post of mine) it's because the show is 18+. Fuck. Another 18+ show that I can't freaking go to. Yeah, I'm pissed. I need a fake ID or something... ah, I definitely don't have the balls for that. I suppose I'll just have to continue to mope at home.

The SubwaysThe Subways actually got a good review of their performance at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston a week or so ago. Not that I'm surprised or anything - I mean, The Subways are rather awesome and all - but (and again, to allude to an earlier post of mine) they really didn't sound so awesome on Leno not too long ago. I will assume that pre-recorded live isn't nearly as good as live live. Which, of course, makes complete sense - live music is amazing, almost no matter what it is, even if it generally sucks otherwise. But I still don't like Charlotte much. I can't get over how ridiculous she looked shaking herself around like that. Though I suppose that would look better live live, too. That kind of thing really isn't very fitting on Leno.

VoxtrotOkay, I can't finish this blog without talking about Voxtrot first. I like these guys a lot. I've noticed a lot of buzz about them lately, and for good reason. Their songs are really catchy and although they are definitely radio-material, they're unique so they don't fit into that boring mold of usual radio songs. They're coming to Wellesley on April 11... it's the one concert that I want to go to that's actually all ages, but I can't go because it's a school night. Figures, huh? Why do I have such shitty luck with concerts? Argh.

Well, somehow I managed to post an image for every single paragraph. Quite an achievement. Anyway I think I'll stop rambling on and on about music. I really could go on forever, but I'll spare you. Tomorrow my mom and I are going to Burlington to look for prom dresses. I'm really picky so I'm not sure if I'll actually end up finding one, but I will certainly post something tomorrow or Sunday with an update. 'Til then, adios.


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